Need custom music for your roleplay sessions? Whether you're playing a tabletop game or modding music in an MMO, I can craft anything you need — character themes, battle music, you name it.

My name is Joshua Taipale. I'm a professional video game composer and musician whose work can be heard on Omega Strikers, Apex Legends Mobile, Mori Calliope, and more.

Even if you've never commissioned music before, it's easy to do. Select Process to see how it's done, or Samples to hear music I've written for other clients, then head to Contact when you're ready.


If you've never commissioned music before, it may feel intimidating — don't worry; the process is simple.

1. Use the contact form to provide me with the details of your request.I need to know three things:- The nature of the song (character theme, battle theme, town theme, etc.)
- The approximate length (most of my clients request 1m30s)
- The tone and feeling of the song ("exciting", "like I just walked into a musty tavern")
Visual and audio references (images of your character, songs you relate them to, etc.) help a lot. Don't be embarrassed to include info about your character or world — it all helps me craft something unique to your story.Don't worry if you don't know how to explain what you're looking for. I know how to interpret clients' requests, and I can help you articulate yours even if you know nothing about music.

2. Receive a quote and confirm details.
Once I look over the details of your request, I will send you a quote and answer any questions you may have. When you're ready to proceed, a 50% down payment is required. Payment is made via PayPal, though you may request another service.

3. Receive a sketch and confirm direction.
I will send you a rough demo, similar to an artist's sketch, and you can let me know if I've got the right idea or if you'd like changes.

4. Receive the final song.
After receiving the final payment, I will send the final track in lossless WAV and MP3 formats. If you've requested a version to be looped in an MMO or stream, I will also send you the requisite files for implementation.

That's all there is to it! If you would like to ask further questions before commissioning me, feel free to send me an email.

For full terms and conditions, please see the ToS.


Samples of actual client work in several styles.

01. Eyes of Iyre / CINEMATIC

The main theme of a story. It opens with an introspective piano motif before an orchestra bursts forth with rage born of compassion.

02. Lepus / CELTIC, JOYFUL

Blue, blue skies stretch like a canopy over a bustling medieval town. You're a bnuuy and you have wares to sell!

03. The Sea Beckons / CELTIC, ADVENTUROUS

After your morning stop at the local tavern, you set sail to a faraway land, with nothing but hope in your heart.

04. Hummingweald (Battle) / ROCK

The forest teems with life — some of it, you find, less than hospitable. Keep your eyes peeled, because not everything is as it seems.


At the town's library, you're met with a meek girl who always seems to have her nose in a book... Hey, was she listening to you?


Whilst touring your lord's manor, you happen upon his daughter — a young girl who can identify any bird on sight.

07. Two's Company / ACID JAZZ, CHILL

Two friends hang after-hours at the local mall. Who said an RPG couldn't be set in the modern day?

08. Purple Haze / CYBERPUNK, TENSE

A metallic cryptid floats ominously. It doesn't appear harmful, but you probably shouldn't get too close.

09. Imposition ~Holy Order~ / SYMPHONIC METALCORE

The crusade waged on as the knights descended upon the city, their weapon of mass destruction in tow. The alchemist saw all this and knew but one recourse: Treason

10. Umbra Solis / PROGRESSIVE ROCK

Heroic deeds rarely go unpunished, but the spirit of the brave is indomitable.

11. Mimic / HEAVY METAL

A song with full lyrics and vocals. A man strikes a deal with the devil to absolve himself of the weight of his own sins.

12. Astramarisa / FOLK, MYSTICAL

A cursed princess has visions of the realm's end. This track has live viola.

13. Ranunculaceae ~Reverie of a Child~ / CHAMBER ORCHESTRA, ETHEREAL

Look through the eyes of a little girl who sees faeries wherever she goes.

14. Chaque rose a une épine / ORCHESTRA, CUTE

Everything's better with frills, roses, and a hot cup of tea. She's asking for tea. You'll get it for her, right? She's waiting.

Terms of Service

◈ All commissions must be paid in half upfront. You may pay in full if desired. Any remainder must be paid before the final lossless file is delivered.

◈ Refunds may be granted only if I've yet to begin work on the commission or if for some reason I am unable to complete it.

◈ The commissioned music is for private use only. Certain exceptions (BGM for YouTube videos, Twitch streams) are allowed with credit and a link to this website. (Ex: Music: Joshua Taipale, For commercial use, please contact me.

◈ I retain all rights to the commissioned music, including the right to distribute it and use it in promotion of my services. If you wish to keep the music private, it will incur an additional fee of 50%.


Use the form below to send a commission request. Alternatively, send me an email with the subject line [COMMISSION].

Once I have received your message, I will email you with a quote and help answer any questions you may have. For details about the process, see here.

objective complete

I will be in touch with you about your request soon.